“The woman who calls out extremists”, Hope Not Hate interview, September 2020

16 September 2020 , Hope Not Hate

Could the UK be about to gain its first statutory body responsible for tackling extremism?

That’s part of the vision being driven by Sara Khan, the UK’s first ‘lead commissioner’ of something called the Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE), an independent body that works with the Home Office and advises government on new policies (and potential powers) to deal with extremism.

A high-profile human rights and counter-extremism advocate who has headed the Commission since 2018, Khan has just appeared before the Home Affairs Select Committee, nearly a year after she and the Commission put out its first report recommending a rewrite and overhaul of the country’s five-year-old counter-extremism strategy.

Nick Ryan speaks to Sara Khan, the UK’s counter-extremism lead, who is driving forwards a new strategy for tackling and defining extremism – but is government listening?

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